English below.
Ponedeljek, 5. 11. 2007, začetek drugega dela projekta Special place in the city – Ljubljana
Prebivalci Ljubljane, vabimo vas, da nam poveste o svojem posebnem mestu v mestu. Iz prispelih materialov bomo sestavile zemljevid posebnih lokacij v Ljubljani.
Zanima nas lokacija v mestu, ki vam osebno nekaj pomeni. Prosimo vas za kratek opis, ki naj vsebuje naslednje podatke:
– kaj je to mesto oz. kako se imenuje,
– natančen naslov lokacije
– zakaj in kako dolgo je za vas to mesto posebno
– kako pogosto obiskujete to mesto, koga tja pripeljete in kaj tam ponavadi počnete
– vaše osebno ime
Prosimo vas tudi za fotografijo vašega posebnega mesta.
Obvezno navedite natančen naslov lokacije. Naslov in fotografijo potrebujemo za izdelavo zemljevida.
Material pošljite na e-mail: ljubljana@special-place.net
Vaši prispevki bodo objavljeni na tej spletni strani, zemljevid s slikami pa na spletnem portalu Flickr map. Prispeli materiali bodo predstavljeni tudi na razstavi Special place in the city v Galeriji Škuc od 15. 11. do 7. 12. 2007.
Povabilo prebivalcem Ljubljane, da prispevajo svoje zgodbe, je drugi del projekta Special place in the city – Ljubljana. Prvi del pa je video intervju šestih oseb, naših prijateljev in znancev. V videu sodelujoči na svojem posebnem mestu povedo svojo zgodbo. Projekt Special place in the city – Ljubljana bo skupaj z ostalimi mesti predstavljen na razstavi:
Special place in the city
Galerija Škuc, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
15. 11. do 7. 12. 2007
Monday 4. 11. 2007, the beginning of the second part of the project Special place in the city – Ljubljana
Flyers and stickers will be distributed in the city centre.
Citizens of Ljubljana we invite you to share a story of your special place with us. Your contributions will help us create a map of special places in Ljubljana.
We are interested in a place in the city that means something special to you. Please send us a short description of this place and include the following data:
– What is this place and how is it called
– Exact address of the place
– Why is this place special for you and since when
– How often do you go there
– Who do you bring with you and what do you usually do
– Your first name
Please send us a photo of your special place.
Important: Write the exact address of your special place. We need the address and the photo to build the map.
Send the material to: ljubljana@special-place.net
Received materials will be published on this website and presented at the exhibition Special place in the city at the Škuc Gallery from November 15 to December 7 2007. The map with the pictures will be available on Flickr Map.
The invitation to citizens of Ljubljana is the second part of the project Special place in the city – Ljubljana. In the first part we asked six friends and acquaintances to bring us to their special place. We made a video of each of them telling their story at their special place. The project Special place in the city – Ljubljana will be presented together with other cities at the exhibition:
Special place in the city
Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana
Novmber 15 – December 12 2007